06 May 2013

Missing the best times:

Today while I was going through the posts on FaceBook, when noticed some senti posts from ny best buddies. For the past few days I was also feeling as such but that post has burst my inner soul. So here I am.

As of now I have just started off with my professional life leaving far behind the days which I will cherish my whole life. Today I got to know what difference a single event in your life can make i.e. "GRADUATION".

Looking back to those times, the best times started in the summer of 2009 when I first met these these two gems of my life.(Though they were in my class for the past one year :P)

Without these two people, my life could have been the fun as it happened. The exam times were the best of the times I enjoyed with them. This was the period when I got some more of my best friends as time went on.

These were the times I relish the most till today. This period had the most awesome seniors to be with. The next two years produced ultimate fun, entertainment and learning. These were the people whom I looked upon in the times of happiness or sadness. Whatever be the environment outside, these people made me feel alive. In the course of time, many others also joined the group.


 This video sums up all the feeeeel that we had together.

Not to forget the other characters who were added on in due course.
Vaibhav, Arunima, Uma, Sonal, Twinkle, Sukhmani, Pratibha, Pawan, Kharad, B.D. and the ultimate juniors.

So to the guys who are are yet to complete their graduation, live your life to the fullest. This is the time that you will miss all your life. This is the most care-free time of your life==> "TENSIONLESS".

P.S. Have to cut down the story because it is 2:00 AM and tomorrow is a Monday.
P.P.S If I were in college, life went on without having to bother what time/day is it.

1 comment:

  1. jaanemann......fir senti kr diya tune........:'(:'(:'(:'(
